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photo of Emily Pearce, Senior Sustainable Sourcing & International Development Manager at Co-op and Kubasu Agapeters, Climate Lead at Fairtrade Africa

Podcast: Emily and Kubasu, Co-op and Fairtrade Africa

In this Business Fights Poverty podcast, Emily Pearce, Senior Sustainable Sourcing & International Development Manager at Co-op and Kubasu Agapeters, Climate Lead at Fairtrade Africa discuss how Co-op is working in partnership with Fairtrade Africa and investing in a more climate resilient supply chain.

1 min read | February 25, 2022

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illustration of hands holding a globe with trees growing from it

Education for climate justice

Chef and Fairtrade Patron Allegra McEvedy will be joined by educators and activists involved in the Fairtrade Schools, Let’s Go Zero and Teach the Future campaigns, to explore the role of the education sector in building a more just, sustainable world.

1 min read | February 9, 2022

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Reboot the conversation with M&S

Reboot the Future have teamed up with Marks & Spencer and young climate activists to show you the power of climate conversation.

1 min read | February 8, 2022

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illustration of hands holding a globe with trees growing from it

The Unfair Climate Crisis

We look at how deep-seated global inequalities place the burden of dealing with climate change on people who contributed the least to the crisis.

1 min read | February 8, 2022

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Cafédirect live podcast – Building Better Business: Climate of crisis for farmers

This special edition episode will dig deep into how climate change is affecting the farmers who grow our food, what that means for us and how we can help.

1 min read | February 7, 2022

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Fair Fashion? A conversation on fashion, race and climate justice

We look at the impact fashion and the legacy of colonialism has made on our planet, from pollution to the lives of the people who make our clothes.

1 min read | February 1, 2022

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Climate Change, Women, Agriculture and Fairtrade Zoom event for Fairtrade Fortnight

Climate Change, Women, Agriculture and Fairtrade

Women in agriculture are dealing with the impacts of climate change on their livelihoods now. What difference does Fairtrade make?

1 min read | January 31, 2022

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Fairtrade, Our Carbon Footprint and the Bigger Picture Zoom event

Fairtrade, Our Carbon Footprint and the Bigger Picture

As an ethical consumer, what do you need to know about the carbon cost of buying Fairtrade, and how does choosing Fairtrade create ripples of change around the world?

1 min read | January 31, 2022

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illustrations of commodities with the words 'fair focus'

FAIR FOCUS: A Business Pledge for People and Planet

Co-op and Ben & Jerry’s discuss how they do business responsibly, and Fairtrade Africa discusses the realities for farmers and workers facing the climate crisis.

1 min read | January 31, 2022

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Bright illustration of four hands around a globe

How will you reboot the future of food? Inspiring climate action in the classroom

Reboot the Future have teamed up with environmentalist Jonathon Porritt to create a new campaign filling young people with a sense of creativity, optimism and joy, and inspiring them to take action for a better future. Get a sneak peak of their new classroom resources and join them in conversation with Fairtrade Foundation’s CEO Mike Gidney to look at how our choices around food can help to reboot the future.

1 min read | February 17, 2021

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