
It takes a lot of expertise to produce the high-quality beans that end up as your favourite cup of coffee.

But the life of the smallholder coffee farmer behind your morning brew is far from easy.

What makes Fairtrade coffee different?

We focus our efforts on small producer organisations because 25 million smallholders produce up to 75 per cent of the world’s coffee. They struggle with low incomes due to perpetual price volatility and the ongoing challenges of the climate crisis.

Fairtrade is the only global sustainability label that guarantees farmers and workers the Fairtrade Minimum Price protection: companies pay an agreed-upon Minimum Price for the coffee, plus an additional Fairtrade Premium for farmers to invest in their communities, environment and businesses.

Where to buy Fairtrade coffee

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Tchibo Coffee International Ltd
Our VISTA Coffee is 100% Fairtrade and organically grown.