Great Big Green Week

Each year, Fairtrade campaigners support Great Big Green Week, the biggest celebration of community-led action on climate change. Get involved to make sure the message that there is no climate justice without trade justice is heard loud and clear.  

Find out more by exploring the Great Big Green Week website

Great Big Green Week, 8-16 June 2024: Let’s swap together For Good.

Join us on 12 June 6pm to 7pm UK time to hear more about how Fairtrade campaigners and others are getting involved in Great Big Green Week 2024.

Get inspired by the swaps communities are making every day to help create a better tomorrow. You can see examples of how people are making swaps together on the Great Big Green Week website. 

New Printed Materials Available

Fairtrade is excited to share we have new free-to-order printed resources to help you in your Great Big Green Week campaigns plans! These resources include postcards, posters and stickers, all aimed at helping you spread the word on Fairtrade and Climate Justice this Great Big Green Week.

How you can get involved

This year, Fairtrade supporters can get involved in types of swaps;

1) Swap to a Fairtrade product

2) The Fairtrade knowledge swap

Whichever swap you choose, let us know how you’ve participated in Great Big Green Week 2024. 

Swap 1 – Swap to a Fairtrade product

Small everyday changes to what we eat, drink and wear can add up to a big difference when it comes to climate justice. Swapping to Fairtrade bananas, tea, coffee, flowers or wine supports farmers and workers across the world, and even helps tackle the climate crisis. 

When it comes to climate, many farmers and workers must pay the financial price of flood damage, droughts destroying harvests and weather-related crop disease, which can force them into poverty. Eco-friendly farming training and equipment costs but when farms are Fairtrade certified they receive a Fairtrade Premium which they can choose to invest in taking on climate change.  

This additional financial support, and training many can access through Fairtrade, can make it easier to embrace sustainable farming techniques which protect people and planet. 

Make a swap in your shopping this Great Big Green Week and support farmers and workers to earn a fair wage, whilst tackling the climate crisis together. 

For more ideas on Fairtrade products and brands you can swap to this Great Big Green Week, read our newest blog post below.

Swap 2 – The Fairtrade knowledge swap

Swap and share Fairtrade campaigns with other local campaign communities. 

Within your local community, there are so many climate activists championing lots of different aspects of green living. This Great Big Green Week, Fairtrade is asking you together with another local group and SWAP causes. This is a knowledge swap- can you teach others about Fairtrade’s climate justice message, while learning about others great green causes? 

To join in find another local climate groups, attend an event that they’re holding, hold your own Great Big Green Week event and invite other local activists, or better yet, maybe you could plan an event in partnership with other groups. Take the message of Fairtrade, trade justice and climate justice to your local eco-community and learn about what causes make them passionate about eco-change at the same time. 

Join in with the Fairtrade knowledge swap and show others how important it is to support the farmers and workers most disadvantaged by global trade during the climate crisis. 

Share your Swaps

Take action as part of the #GreatBigGreenWeek by sharing a swap you’ve made for fairer trade and the climate crisis!

Perhaps you’ve swapped your usual products for Fairtrade products? Maybe you’ve hosted an event with local activists group to swap knowledge?

Tell your story on social media using the hashtag #SwapTogether – or, you can add your swap directly onto the Great Big Green Week website using the form below.

Want to know more about the impact of climate change on farmers?