There are lots of ways to get involved with Fairtrade in your community.
Anyone can be a Fairtrade campaigner, from a student on a school’s eco-committee to someone helping their local area become a Fairtrade Community.
Check out the different ways to get involved below, and read our Fairtrade Campaign Action Guide for more details on campaigning in your community.
Ways to get involved

Fairtrade Communities
Find out how to apply to be a Fairtrade community group or to renew your status.

Fairtrade Places of Worship
How to become a Fairtrade Place of Worship or renew your Fairtrade status.

Fairtrade for Schools
There are hundreds of Fairtrade schools in the UK and that number continues to grow.
Fairtrade Campaigner Map
Find other Fairtrade Communities across the UK using our Fairtrade Campaigner map. The Map aims to facilitate connections between a variety of Fairtrade Campaigner groups and contains the details of every group who has given their permission for us to share their information.
If you are an existing Fairtrade group and cannot find your group on the map, or the details on the map are incorrect, please use the form below to give us permission to share your details or update any incorrect or out-of-date details.