Fairtrade Fortnight Be The Change

Be The Change: Fairtrade Fortnight 2024

Fairtrade Fortnight 2024 takes place 9 September – 22 September.

It’s our annual celebration of all things Fairtrade, raising awareness for the need for fairer trade to support farmers in low-income countries.

This year is extra special because we’re celebrating 30 years of the Fairtrade movement in the UK. So together, let’s be the change to make trade fair.

How to campaign for Fairtrade this Fortnight

​Ask your MP to sign our pledge to Be The Change, and encourage others to contact their MP

Organise or join a campaign event

Push our message to ‘Be the Change’ out into the world! Dive into social media to spread the word, tag us, and use the hashtags #BeTheChange and #ChooseFairtrade.

Choose Fairtrade when you shop this Fortnight and encourage others to do the same

Ask your MP to #BeTheChange

We can all be the change, but our politicians have a special role to play. This Fortnight, we’re calling for MPs to pledge their support for Fairtrade so we can continue enjoying the foods we love while ensuring the farmers who produce them receive a fair price for their hard work. 

Actions to take this Fortnight


A few small changes to the products you put in your basket can make a huge change to the lives of those who produce them.

photo of flowers and a striped long-sleeved t-shirt
Win a Fortnight giveaway

When you choose Fairtrade, you help ensure farmers receive a fairer price for what they grow.

Together we can Be The Change. #ChooseFairtrade.

Yeo Fannidianwa
Yeo Mariam

We fight for coffee so that we can have this tradition in the future for our childrenWe are the first generation to feel the change and the last generation to be able to change it.” – Jaime Alberto García Flórez, Fairtrade Coffee Farmer, Colombia, speaking about the climate crisis.

Follow us on social #BeTheChange

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