Author: Claire Liboureau
7 Fairtrade Switches to cut your plastic use
Take the standard supermarket product. We buy it, consume it, discard it. But we all know that a product’s life is longer than that. Fairtrade works to shed light on what happens before you buy a product but what happens after you discard it matters too.
KitKat no longer Fairtrade
As the new cocoa harvest season kicked off in Côte d’Ivoire earlier this month, it also marked the sad moment when KitKats are no longer Fairtrade, a few months after Nestlé announced that KitKats would no longer contain Fairtrade cocoa and sugar.
Nestlé’s KitKat will stop being Fairtrade – FAQ
Since our statement about cocoa farmers’ concerns regarding KitKat moving away from Fairtrade, we have received many messages of support for farmers, as well as some questions. We have also seen questions on social media, so we would like to answer as many as we can.