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Swaps for Good during Great Big Green Week

Great Big Green Week 2024 the UK’s largest celebration of community action to tackle climate change has begun

9 min read | June 7, 2024

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Meet some of the farmers behind your Fairtrade cup of coffee

Meet Angelica, Gerardo and María, three coffee farmers from Colombia who share how Fairtrade has impacted their lives and communities.

6 min read | September 21, 2023

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Fairtrade Anniversary image

30 ways to celebrate 30 years of Fairtrade

We’ve put together a list of 30 ways you can celebrate 30 years of the FAIRTRADE Mark.

7 min read | September 18, 2023

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Rafael Ortiz Fábrega Ambassador of Costa Rica at Fairtrade Fortnight event

Thank you to Fairtrade Fortnight 2023 campaigners

From ferries to footballers, Fairtrade campaigners came together during Fairtrade Fortnight 2023. Here’s just some of the amazing things they got up to.

3 min read | March 23, 2023

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Man shopping at he Endangered Aisle for Fairtrade Fortnight 2023

Shoppers concerned over climate threat to favourite foods

Survey for Fairtrade Fortnight 2023 shows that consumers would be ‘devastated’ to lose their favourite foods to climate change.

2 min read | February 28, 2023

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(L-r) Marnie Richards (Wolves Foundation), Julia Farrell, Chair of Wolverhampton City Fairtrade Partnership, Jeevan Kang (Wolves Foundation) at Molineux Stadium. Credit: Wolverhampton City Fairtrade Partnership.

How campaigners are taking part in Fairtrade Fortnight

This Fairtrade Fortnight (27 February – 12 March 2023) our campaigners are springing into action to support Fairtrade – there’s still time to take part!

3 min read | February 10, 2023

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Sandra Uwera Fairtrade Global CEO

Fairtrade demands action from delegates at COP27

Fairtrade calls on Member States at COP27 to ‘honour their climate promises’ and ‘act now’ for our planet’s farmers.

2 min read | November 7, 2022

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Child planting seeds

How to support Fairtrade farmers this Great Big Green Week

This Great Big Green Week, plant wildflowers, sign our petition to demand climate justice for farmers around the world.

2 min read | September 23, 2022

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illustration of hands holding a globe with trees growing from it

Fairtrade Fortnight 2022 highlights

Read about a few of our amazing activists and how they went about campaigning to back farmers’ demands for climate justice during this year’s Fairtrade Fortnight.

7 min read | March 11, 2022

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massive painting of farmer, Bismark on grass

Fairtrade Fortnight 2022: Thank you

Fairtrade Foundation’s CEO Michael Gidney looks back on an extraordinary two weeks and thanks the farmers, workers, campaigners, businesses and supporters who helped make it happen.

4 min read | March 11, 2022

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