Here is our pick of 14 ethical Fairtrade coffees, tried and tested and chosen for their people-friendly and eco-friendly credentials.
These coffees are ethical in a number of ways, but even being Fairtrade is enough for them to rightly claim ethical status. Being part of the Fairtrade system means that farmers are better protected against low and unpredictable incomes, it means they are paid a fair price and it means improved knowledge of sustainable farming practices, all of which make them better able to protect the local environment and address the challenges of the climate crisis.
When you choose Fairtrade, you are helping to protect people and planet. Start your day with one of these coffees and you’ll be starting the day right.
1. Bird & Wild Seasonal Blend

Every bag of Bird & Wild coffee that is sold supports the RSPB, the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Centre, and the Fairtrade producers that grow the bird friendly and shade-grown coffee. This seasonal blend is a medium roast, smooth coffee with dark chocolate tones, balanced acidity and bright floral aromas. 100% Organic Arabica Coffee – available as whole bean or ground.
Buy online from the Bird & Wild website
2. Cafédirect Organic Machu Picchu

Grown at extreme altitudes, this coffee is full bodied with dark chocolate overtones and is 100% organic Arabica. Cafédirect invest 50% of their profits into Producers Direct, a UK charity that works directly with farmers to improve sustainability and livelihoods, right across the coffee growing world. The charity is run by farmers, for farmers, taking leadership and developing innovative solutions to the challenges they face.
Buy Cafédirect Machu Picchu online from Ocado
3. Co-op Irresistible Single Origin Coffee

In 2020, the Co-op funded a project at Multira Farmers’ Co-operative Society in Kenya, as part of Fairtrade Africa’s wider approach to engage more young people in coffee farming and tackle the effects of climate change. This single origin coffee is a medium roast with fruity acidity and light blackcurrant notes.
Buy Single Origin Kenyan Coffee online from Co-op
4. Cru Kafe plastic-free coffee capsules

Looking for plastic-free and recyclable capsules of Fairtrade coffee? Cru Kafe has you covered. Available in different strengths, roasts and origins – mix and match as a one off purchase or sign up to their subscription to never run out.
Subscribe to the Cru Kafe coffe capsules on their website
5. Kingdom Coffee Wakey Wakey Morning Coffee

As well as sourcing Fairtrade coffee for their products, Kingdom Coffee also work with charities including Toybox, Tearfund and Latin Link and aim to continue to fund and support work to help to improve more lives in coffee growing communities around the world.
Buy Kingdom Coffee Wakey Wakey Morning Coffee on their website
6. Land Girls Sumatran Coffee

Land Girls is a new British company buying Fairtrade coffee from inspirational female growers, determined to go against the grain by supporting themselves and their communities in a male-dominated industry. Peruvian and Sumatran options, available as subscription, individual, ground and whole bean.
Buy online from the Land Girls website
7. Leon – ethical coffee on the go

Out and about? Pick up a coffee from Leon. Leon sources its coffee from Puro, a Fairtrade coffee company that works with the World Land Trust to buy and protect some of the world’s most threatened habitats. Through coffee sales, Leon have saved over 600 acres of rainforest.
8. M&S Italian style

In 2004, M&S became the first retailer to sell only Fairtrade coffee in their cafes, and since 2006, 100% of M&S branded coffees are Fairtrade certified. Pop in-store for a coffee when out and about, or if enjoying at home, the range is huge, from instant to whole bean and decaffeinated. For an instant option, try the rich, smooth Italian style coffee.
Shop the M&S Fairtrade coffee range on Ocado
9. Owens Baya organic Coffee

In 2018, Devon based specialty coffee roaster Owens moved to a state of the art, environmentally friendly roastery and production facility, which has been built with as much sustainable construction as possible. Baya is a deep and spicy, dark roast organic coffee blend from Indonesia and Central America.
Buy online from Owens Coffee website
10. Percol Smooth Colombian Coffee

Percol’s mission is to become the most sustainable coffee company. Carbon neutral, plastic-free and with Fairtrade certified coffee, their packaging is fully home-compostable. This Colombian coffee is organic and a great all-rounder made with 100% Colombian Arabica beans.
11. Puccino’s Colombian Fairtrade

100% Arabica and Fairtrade, this coffee is well balanced and smooth with nutty character, a subtle caramel sweetness and hints of deep cocoa. It is available ground or whole bean. Did you know that used coffee grounds can be used as fertiliser? All of Puccino’s sites offer used coffee grounds for free.
Buy coffee online from Puccino’s website
Find your nearers Puccino’s store
12. Revolver World Coffee Honduras Cocafelol

Revolver World is not just committed to the Fairtrade producers that it sources its coffee from, but all the local Fairtrade communities in the UK. Revolver World’s coffees are also attributed the Best Buy mark by Ethical Consumer Magazine.
Shop online from Revolver World website
13. Taylors carbon neutral Fika Coffee

Taylors of Harrogate’s Fika coffee is Fairtrade and carbon neutral. Taylors works with communities in Malawi, Uganda and Kenya to offset their emissions through tree planting and providing fuel efficient stoves.
14. Waitrose Java Coffee

In 2019, Waitrose brought the first Fairtrade Java coffee to supermarket shelves in Europe. Over three years Waitrose & Partners, the Fairtrade Foundation and the Network of Asia and Pacific Producers (NAPP) supported a community in the Kayumas to produce high quality coffee and follow the rigorous Fairtrade Standards, which focus on social, economic and environmental development. This meant, for the first time, 150 coffee producers in Indonesia were able to benefit from Fairtrade Minimum Price and Premium.
Buy coffee online from Waitrose
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Thank you for reading about some of our favourite ethical, Fairtrade coffees. Let us know which are your favourites on social media with the hashtag #ChooseFairtrade, or to keep up to date with the latest Fairtrade news, sign up to our newsletter.