Fairtrade blog
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3 Fair Trade Businesses making a difference
World Fair Trade Day makes a splash on 8 May – the perfect chance to shine a spotlight on some…
9 exciting new Fairtrade products to try this Spring
A new season means a fresh collection of Fairtrade products hitting your favourite stores.
5 ways choosing Fairtrade supports farmers to adapt to climate change
Five inspiring ways farmers and Fairtrade are tackling the effects of climate change.
After hope comes fear for the future following drop in price of cocoa
After hope fears for the future: Côte d’Ivoire’s cocoa farmers warn that a drop of 25% in the price they…
From Rana Plaza to a sustainable fashion future
A Q&A with Fairtrade’s Senior Cotton and Textiles Lead, Subindu Garkhel.
How you can support Indian cotton farmers through the pandemic
by Subindu Garkhel Senior Cotton and Textiles Lead Fairtrade. Cotton farmers are integral to the creation of many of our…
A fair future for South African wine
The wine sector is slowly recovering from a difficult 2020. We spoke to wine producers to understand the impact of the pandemic.
Six amazing artists campaigning creatively
Six talented artists, musicians and writers who are using their creativity to power up their activism.
International women’s day 2021: growing change on flower farms
This International Women’s Day we shine a spotlight on the rights won and the challenges still faced by women working…