Fairtrade blog
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20 years of Fairtrade Communities: the power of collective action
Fairtrade Communities have been leading the fight for trade justice since the first Fairtrade Town status was awarded 20 years ago.
Fairtrade pilots additional income for organic cotton farmers
A new Fairtrade pilot will pay an extra sum of money on top of the market price to Fairtrade organic…
8 New Fairtrade Products for Autumn 2021
A selection of exciting new Fairtrade products to try on crisp Autumn days. New flavours of chocolate, gorgeous gift boxes, top quality organic coffee, an eco-friendly deodorant and a creamy, crunchy peanut butter.
Can conversations really change the world?
Any meaningful social change you can think of started with a conversation. Read 5 tips on how to have engaging discussions that drive action.
9 Halloween ideas for 2021
A selection of spooky but sweet Halloween treats.
What’s the difference: Fairtrade vs ethical coffee
If you’re interested in where your food and drink comes from you’ll have probably heard about the impact climate change…
How the Women’s School of Leadership transformed Diakete Salimata’s life
Diakete Salimata aged 49 is a member of the SCAANIAS cocoa co-operative and based in a small village near the…
7 Fairtrade Switches to cut your plastic use
Take the standard supermarket product. We buy it, consume it, discard it. But we all know that a product’s life is longer than that. Fairtrade works to shed light on what happens before you buy a product but what happens after you discard it matters too.