Fairtrade welcomes the launch of its first coffee from Java, exclusively in Waitrose & Partners

The launch comes following an exciting sustainability project to establish a Fairtrade coffee co-operative in Java, thanks to a partnership with Waitrose & Partners, the Fairtrade Foundation and the Network of Asia and Pacific Producers (NAPP). Over the past three years the organisations have supported a community in the Kayumas to produce high quality coffee and follow the rigorous Fairtrade Standards, which focus on social, economic and environmental development.

Launched in the week that shoppers, campaigners and businesses have been holding events to celebrate 25 years of the FAIRTRADE Mark and the impact Fairtrade Foundation’s 25th anniversary, the new No.1 product completes its range, meaning that now all of the own-brand coffee sold in its stores and the John Lewis cafes is 100% Fairtrade.

This news comes as the market price for coffee remains below the Fairtrade Minimum Price, and this new deal will ensure around 150 coffee farmers in the region receive this safety net covering the cost of their coffee production and can develop their farms, and communities with the Fairtrade Premium.

Euan Venters, Commercial Director, Fairtrade Foundation, said:

“Today’s announcement isn’t just good news for UK coffee lovers who can now enjoy a delicious product from one of the world’s most renowned origins for specialty coffee, but also for the 150 farmers who will now benefit – for the first time from a fairer deal.

“This news comes as we celebrate 25 years of the FAIRTRADE Mark and it is particularly welcome as coffee farmers globally are facing a double crisis, they are on the frontline of a climate emergency and are still receiving historically low returns for their crops. This latest commitment from Waitrose & Partners shows businesses can take greater action and responsibility for both people and planet. Today it will be welcome news to Fairtrade campaigners and UK shoppers alike that all of Waitrose & Partners’ own-brand tea, cocoa and coffee are 100% Fairtrade.”

Polly Astbury, Buyer at Waitrose & Partners comments:

“Indonesia is one of the largest producers of coffee in the world, producing 660,000 metric tons in 2017 alone. Although Java will be a familiar term to coffee drinkers, this will be the first Fairtrade Java available to buy on a supermarket shelf in Europe, which makes this launch incredibly exciting.

 “The Java beans in our No.1 range are sun dried, providing a distinctive and intense flavour that has a light tangerine acidity and a fusion of chocolate and spice. It’s a great option for seasoned aficionados looking for a softer blend or for more casual coffee drinkers and, now being 100% Fairtrade sourced, it’s also good for the environment and the communities where it is sourced.”

Waitrose & Partners No.1 Java coffee will be available from October 10th at 310 Waitrose & Partners stores and cost £3.50 per pack.

Notes to Editor:


The International Fairtrade system is campaigning for coffee farmers who are currently facing a double crisis.

Coffee is the world’s second most traded commodity after oil. The global coffee business is worth over US$200 billion a year. Consumers in many wealthy countries are willing to pay more than US$3 for their daily fix.

On the international markets, coffee prices are at their lowest ever in real terms; 25 years ago farmers were receiving an average of $2.04/lb and in May this year Arabica beans were trading at 86 cents a pound on the International Commodities Exchange (ICE) futures – the lowest since 2004 – they are still averaging at around $1 dollar a pound. Farmers selling to the Fairtrade market have some protection from the price crisis as the Fairtrade Minimum Price received by farmers for Arabica Coffee is $1.40 and the additional Fairtrade Premium investment of $0.20 per lb can be used for collective investments in social development, improving their businesses or in organic farming, which commands a further $1.70 per pound. With better and stable prices for farmers and long-term business relationships like this initiative with Waitrose & Partners, the Fairtrade Foundation believes it is possible for coffee to be a viable and sustainable livelihood.

This film tells the story of how farmers in Peru are impacted by Climate Change, and the urgent need for investment to enable them to become more resilient:

For Fairtrade Foundation’s full press pack with more information on community activities celebrating the 25th, images, case studies and interviews, contact susannah.henty@fairtrade.org.uk  (0)7419 343324

A case study from the co-operative and photos are available via Waitrose & Partners following a recent visit to the community.

For further information contact:

Matt Clemens, Comms Manager, Waitrose & Partners
Direct: +44 (0)1344 826747