Mulane Jabessa, OCFCU, using her cookstove

Fairtrade coffee co-op earns more than £190,000 with ground-breaking clean cooking carbon credit project

Women Fairtrade coffee co-operative members from Ethiopia have been the first to earn carbon credits from clean cooking.

1 min read | July 16, 2020

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Tropical landscape

The UK has a unique opportunity to lead the world in making trade work for people and the planet

Today Fairtrade joined several NGOs, including CAFOD, Christian Aid and WWF to sign an open letter to Secretary of State for International Trade Liz Truss calling for trade deals to be aligned to environmental goals and to go further in reducing carbon emissions.

2 min read | July 10, 2020

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Patria Torres provides quality control at BANELINO producer Erick Almanzar's packaging plant.

Banana producer organisation drives COVID-19 prevention campaign in the Dominican Republic

‘Do you have to do your shopping?’, says a voice message sent via WhatsApp. ‘First, try to limit the times you go out for the market or the store. The ideal would be to go out once a week, not every day. To go out, you must wear a facemask’, continues the message shared to workers, organisation members, and their families by the Ecological Bananas of the Northwest Line (Banelino).

2 min read | July 3, 2020

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Cocoa farmer in her farm

UK shoppers help generate $41m for Fairtrade communities in 2019

Latest figures show shoppers back Fairtrade during challenging market and care more than ever about helping farmers and workers combat low prices in trade.

3 min read | June 29, 2020

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Cocoa pods

Fairtrade producers raise their voices to ask Nestlé to keep KitKat Fairtrade

After a decade of sourcing cocoa and sugar for KitKat in the UK and Ireland, Nestlé have informed Fairtrade they no longer plan to buy Fairtrade cocoa and sugar from some of the world’s most vulnerable small scale farmers.

4 min read | June 23, 2020

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Bradford University students in banana suits

12 Universities have achieved Fairtrade status in nationwide Fairtrade University and College Award

Higher education institutions in England and Scotland were notified this week that they have achieved Fairtrade University status.

3 min read | June 22, 2020

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Cocoa Farmer in Ivory Coast

Reaction to news that Department for International Development is to be merged with Foreign and Commonwealth Office

The Fairtrade Foundation is deeply disappointed by the announcement that DFID is to be merged into the FCO.

1 min read | June 16, 2020

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Fairtrade Premium helps community garden feed school children in Brazil

A community garden in Brazil, known as the Solidarity Garden Project, is helping to supplement the break time snacks provided by schools in rural areas with fresh fruit and vegetables.

2 min read | June 7, 2020

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Members of COMSA co-operative donated biosafety equipment to local healthcare workers

Stories of community and kindness from Central America

Fairtrade continues to receive reports from our producer organisations in the Central Latin America and Caribbean (the CLAC) region of farmers and producers coming together to support their communities.

2 min read | June 3, 2020

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Fairtrade reports on programme to strengthen West Africa cocoa co-operatives

When farmer co-operatives are better managed and member-focused, they are more sustainable business partners and farmers’ incomes rise. This is the theory behind an intensive programme for Fairtrade cocoa co-operatives in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire, the initial results of which are being released today by Fairtrade International.

3 min read | June 2, 2020

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