The power of flowers: first Fairtrade flower forum to discuss future sustainability

At a sector first event held ahead of the 25th anniversary of the iconic FAIRTRADE Mark, the Fairtrade Foundation warned the British flower market faces significant future sustainability challenges.

4 min read | September 8, 2019

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Fairphone launches Fairphone 3 to show there is a real sustainable smartphone alternative

Third generation modular phone offers top performance combined with fair specifications

2 min read | August 29, 2019

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Boris Johnson Urged To Back Decent Incomes For Cocoa Farmers

Fairtrade campaigners join Fairtrade Foundation to hand in petition to new Prime Minister at Number 10 Downing Street.

2 min read | August 6, 2019

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Fairtrade celebrates 25th birthday since first products launched in UK

This October Fairtrade kicks off its 25th birthday celebrations with a long weekend of parties, activities and events from Friday 4th- Monday 7th October 2019, which will see the public show their ongoing support for the 1.6million farmers and workers behind the UK’s most visible ethical label.

3 min read | August 5, 2019

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Bunches of bananas in a supermarket

Fairtrade response to Guardian Long Read article ‘Is Fair Trade Finished’

Fair trade is far from “finished”, as the millions of farmers, workers, companies and consumers who believe in making trade fair will testify. Fairtrade will only be finished when fair and equitable trade becomes the norm and not the exception.

1 min read | July 23, 2019

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Cocoa farmer holding a cocoa pod hanging from a tree

Fairtrade Foundation calls for continued DFID oversight of any new ‘trade for development’ spending

Responding to the recently announced government decision, to spend a portion of the aid budget through the Department for International Trade, the Fairtrade Foundation commented:

1 min read | July 21, 2019

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Fairtrade welcomes new cocoa floor price in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana as benefit for farmers

Bonn, June 13 – Fairtrade today welcomed the announcement by the governments of Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana to implement a floor price for cocoa of US$2,600 per metric tonne.

1 min read | June 12, 2019

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Hands holding coffee beans

Fairtrade and Colombian President meet to tackle coffee crisis

Fairtrade International: Bogotá, May 31 2019 – The leaders of Colombia and Fairtrade met yesterday [May 30] to discuss ways out of the global coffee price crisis which is driving millions of coffee farmers further into poverty.

2 min read | May 30, 2019

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Wine lovers are increasingly raising a glass to Fairtrade

A new consumer survey shows that 39% of shoppers who know about/are aware of Fairtrade wine look for the FAIRTRADE Mark on wines and spirits when they shop, an increase of 10 percentage points, up from 29% in 2010.

3 min read | May 21, 2019

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Woman putting a bunch of Fairtrade bananas in her shopping trolley

Consumers see Fairtrade as a reflection of their personal values

Consumers see Fairtrade as a reflection of their personal vales, based on fair prices, living income and improving farmer livlihoods. A multi-country survey released today shows that nine in ten (91%) British shoppers are familiar with the FAIRTRADE Mark. A majority believe it reflects their personal values.

2 min read | May 21, 2019

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