Fairtrade campaigners

Fairtrade launches Communities Scheme to mobilise grassroots campaigners for trade justice

The Fairtrade Foundation has launched a new-look Fairtrade Communities scheme. Launched this month the scheme will simplify the processes involved…

3 min read | July 3, 2023

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yellow and green cocoa pods on base of tree and a pile of cocoa pods on the leafy ground, lit with dappled sunlight

New programme for cocoa cooperatives supports child labour prevention and remediation efforts

A new programme is launching today to support Fairtrade certified Ivorian and Ghanaian cocoa cooperatives to strengthen prevention and remediation…

3 min read | June 12, 2023

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Fairtrade farmer Adelaida Correa Bermeo

Response to amber/red rating for UK Government’s ‘aid for trade’ approach

The Fairtrade Foundation has expressed concern at the results of a review by the Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI) of the UK’s ‘aid for trade’ approach.

2 min read | June 6, 2023

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Shopper picks up Fairtrade bananas next to Fairtrade avocados

Consumer support for Fairtrade strong despite cost of living crisis

Consumers are staying loyal to Fairtrade as the most visible and trusted ethical label, according to new research findings.

4 min read | June 1, 2023

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Producers at the WOBIN Fairtrade Cooperative in Côte d'Ivoire

Call for cosmetic companies to invest in women shea entrepreneurs

The Fairtrade Foundation is inviting the cosmetics industry to invest in and work alongside West Africa’s women shea entrepreneurs.

4 min read | May 25, 2023

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Fairtrade cocoa famer Cote d'Ivoire

Fairtrade’s membership and sales grew in 2021, new report reveals

Financial benefits from Fairtrade sales and numbers of producers in the Fairtrade system reached record levels in 2021.

2 min read | May 25, 2023

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Mike Gidney and flower farmer at Fairtrade event

Fairtrade: embrace power of partnership to see flower farmers flourish

The flower industry must embrace partnerships if it is to find sustainable solutions to the challenges facing the sector.

5 min read | March 30, 2023

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Coffee beans held in hands

Fairtrade to increase coffee Minimum Price

Fairtrade will raise its Minimum Price for coffee in an effort to strengthen protections for coffee farmers around the world.

4 min read | March 30, 2023

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Aldi and Fairtrade to deepen commitment to Ethiopia flower workers

Aldi UK is partnering with the Fairtrade Foundation on the next stage of a £400,000 programme to support women in the Ethiopian flower sector.

3 min read | March 13, 2023

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Bunches of bananas in a supermarket

Fairtrade ‘significant’ step towards living wages for banana workers

A new study shows that sourcing on Fairtrade terms is critical in the journey towards achieving living wages for banana workers.

2 min read | March 9, 2023

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