
Request for proposals: Responsible Peruvian Gold endline evaluation

The deadline for proposals is 5 September 2024.

Fairtrade Foundation is recruiting a consultant(s) to carry out an endline evaluation of the Responsible Peruvian Gold (RPG) programme.

The objectives of the Responsible Peruvian Gold programme was to work with Artisanal and Small-scale Mining Organisations (ASMOs) from Puno, South Peru; supporting them to formalise their operations and providing them with the technical and financial capabilities required to export into premium export markets.

If you are interested in conducting this assignment, please submit a proposal to detailing:

  • Proposed methodological approach to the assignment
  • Functions and composition of the consulting team
  • A financial proposal based on the activities listed in this ToR detailing the costs for activities and time of consultants
  • Initial proposed work plan and schedule

Please note this assignment will require the consultant(s) to be native Spanish speakers. Furthermore, the consultant will ideally have experience in conducting research or evaluations in Peru or other Latin American countries and in the mining sector.

The deadline for proposals is 5 September 2024.

Assignment timeline: September 2024-January 2025

Please contact John Vivian ( with any questions.

Download terms of reference, including full scope of work: